Professional Resumes -$149
88% of clients fall into this group! Select this option if you already have work experience and are not applying for an executive or Federal government job.
Entry-Level Resumes -$99
Select this option from our order page if you have little to no work experience and need us to transform your limited background into an eye-catching resume that'll
kick start your new, highly-successful career!
Senior & High Level
Executive Resumes -$199
If you have extensive experience and are seeking a new position in executive level management, then this is the choice for you! Our eye-catching resumes have helped transform the careers of Fortune 500 executives & many others!...
Federal &
Government Resumes -$189
($69 per question for KSA responses)
Federal/Government resumes are a specialty that few know how to write effectively. We have seasoned professionals skilled at creating flawless Federal resumes and KSA responses!
Powerful, Attention-Grabbing
Cover Letters -$69
Resumes accompanied by succinct, noticeably compelling cover letters are statistically more likely to earn job interviews. Avoid selling yourself short and add a cover letter to your professional resume package...
Eye-Catching "Thank You" Letters
For Interviewers -$59
Studies have proven that there is a small but notably higher chance you will be called back in for a second interview or hired for a job if you send a "thank you" letter after your first interview. Maximize your chances!...
LinkedIn® Profile Writing - $89
Many of today's employers expect candidates to have strong LinkedIn Profiles. Our professional career experts & resume writers can either create your NEW LinkedIn Profile OR edit your existing one. Clients who add LinkedIn Profile writing to their orders have even faster rates of success!
Supercharger - $49
Resumes accompanied by succinct, noticeably compelling cover letters are statistically more likely to earn job interviews. Avoid selling yourself short and add a cover letter to your professional resume package...
Career Coaching Lite Package (Telephone Coaching Session) - $69
Add this service to your order and a career coach will spend at least 1/2 hour working one-on-one over the telephone with you! Let a trained specialist help you determine what's truly been holding you back and teach what you... personally...need to do to make your career shoot ahead in leaps & bounds!
Career Coaching Pro Package - $189 (Telephone Coaching
PLUS Materials)
Order our Pro Package and your chances of getting hired quickly will increase dramatically!. This package includes the Career Coaching Lite phone session PLUS the following essential career documents: 1) Your R to Q, 2) Your Character Competencies, 3) Your Benchmarks & Milestones, and 4) Your Resume Supplement.
Job Hunter - $69
(We Find 30 Companies Potentially Interested In YOU As An Employee)
Answering ads in the classifieds and mass mailing your email only markets you to a small percentage of available jobs. Add our job hunter service and we'll research 30 companies who are potentially likely to hire you and email you their contact information for you to submit a resume!
Hire Us To Write YOUR New
Job-Winning Resume!
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Copyright . All graphics & text on ResumeWritingGroup.Com are either owned or licensed by our company and may not be reproduced without our expressed written consent. Terms of service can be reviewed here. *To qualify for a refund, our guarantee requires clients to present receipts as proof that they've submitted their new resume to a minimum of 40 employers using the methods we suggest. All claims must be made within 90 days of purchase. Desktop Site