How Do I Download
My New Resume ?
You will receive a copy of your resume via email as a traditional Microsoft Word file that should be easy to open with almost any software and on any computer. Additionally, you will be able to download it from our client services center. If you experience ANY difficulty with either of these, our customer service department will be happy to assist you by re-sending it in alternate ways and/or formats...or even by faxing or "snail" mailing it to your street address! We will DEFINITELY get your new resume to you!!!
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Copyright . All graphics & text on ResumeWritingGroup.Com are either owned or licensed by our company and may not be reproduced without our expressed written consent. Terms of service can be reviewed here. *To qualify for a refund, our guarantee requires clients to present receipts as proof that they've submitted their new resume to a minimum of 40 employers using the methods we suggest. All claims must be made within 90 days of purchase. Desktop Site