How Can I Get A Discount?
As our customer, you'll be able -- AT YOUR OPTION -- to refer friends to our service through your client account. We will automatically refund $20 to your credit card for EACH person who orders a resume from us based on your referral. If the sum of your credits becomes greater than the amount you spent on YOUR resume, we'll mail you a check for the difference. There is NO LIMIT to how much you can earn! Refer just a few people to us and your resume will be FREE or....better still, we may end up paying YOU for your resume! (Note: This can only be done through your client account after you have already placed an order with us...)
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Copyright . All graphics & text on ResumeWritingGroup.Com are either owned or licensed by our company and may not be reproduced without our expressed written consent. Terms of service can be reviewed here. *To qualify for a refund, our guarantee requires clients to present receipts as proof that they've submitted their new resume to a minimum of 40 employers using the methods we suggest. All claims must be made within 90 days of purchase. Desktop Site